How to start e-commerce business

In this article we have told you about 'How to start e-commerce business' and you will get to know more about Business here.
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Hello friends, my name is Arbaaz and welcome to sioCart, friends, I bring complete articles learning material related to marketing, business and stock market, friends, if you are interested in all, then subscribe my blog. Today I have brought a great lesson, friends, in today's article I will tell you How to start e-commerce business. So friends, stay with us to get the information, if you like it then let us know. So share the article with your friends also Let get started.

Starting a business and that too starting an E-commerce business is not an easy task. An e-commerce business can be built successfully only after a lot of hard work and following many steps. In today's article, we will discuss these steps.  will talk about how you If you can start a successful e-commerce business then stay with us till the end, let's start.

Just think, why are we talking about e-commerce business? Bill Gates once said that if your business is not on the internet, then your business is not a business at all. E-commerce sites like Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal have shown that this is the future of business.  and why That these people experimented with the e-commerce market, that is why there are so many big sites today. If you still do not know the benefits of entering this business, then let us talk about some numbers which have been revealed from the Economic Survey of 2017-18.  That the steem of ecommerce market in India is around 33 million Which is more than nineteen percent of the growth rate in 2016

1) Create a perfect business plan and model

Prepare a business plan and model. The first thing you have to do is that you have detailed information about your business model and idea. The CEO of Shopify has said that e-commerce is not an industry, it is a complete planning.  Is Now you have two types of business model options, either you can create a single vendor store or you can also create a multi vendor ecommerce store. You can choose it according to your budget.

1) Single vendor
If your budget is less then you can choose single vendor. In this, you sell only one type of product or service on your e-commerce site. Firstly, the administrative cost is very low and secondly, complete control remains in your hands.

2) Multiple vendor
Multi vendor market place, many sellers, many types of products in one e-commerce Selling on the site has its own advantages. The profits of big platforms are also big and when people get all the things of their use on one platform, the customers also increase. There is also a security in this type of business that if your  If the supplier is unavailable in any region, then your second supplier can sell the product to the customer so that the customer remains. Both types of models have their own advantages. You can choose as per your choice. If you want to sell your own product, then you can create a single vendor store.  And if you want other people to come to your store If you sell your product, now you can create a multi vendor store. In the first type, you can take as much margin as you want because the product is yours and in the second situation, you get commission from every seller.

2) Branding a business

now that you have decided If you have decided which model of e-commerce business you want to start and have made a list of your products and sellers, now it is the turn to choose a business name. While choosing your business name, you have to keep in mind that you should have a brand.  Now you have to choose the name, which ones should you choose while choosing the name? Things to be kept in mind: The name should be short, easy to remember, reflect your business, be unique and have no other meaning in any other language. As soon as you choose a good name, you will also get a good name for it. have to get the design done The company will be called people. If you want, you can get the logo designed using the force letters of your business name, like the logo of Amazon Flipkart. Now that you have finalized the name and logo, the next step is.

3) Sole proprietorship

Sole proprietorship of the company with no limitation of liability One choice is Company Limited Liability Partnership which is called LLB or Private Limited Company. Now you have to choose the type of your company, whether you want to run the company independently or with partners, this will decide the type of company. This is a very important step because if you choose corporate or partnership best picture then you will have to get a tax ID number and file a tax return. In this type of online business you have to get an Employer Identification Number called IN after which you  A business bank account has to be opened so that the business can pay taxes in the financial year, but if you choose the sole proprietor model, then you will not need to get a tax ID number, you can use your social security number which you got at the time of registration.  will be given later

4) Register your e-commerce business

This is the most important part of starting an e-commerce business. First of all, you need to register your e-commerce business online with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for DIN, which means Director Identification Number. You have to go to fill the form and upload all the necessary documents there, for this you should have your PAN card and digital signature certificate. When you get your DRM, then you can check the availability of your company name through ROC. If you have to apply for the companies, you can also do this on the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. After the name is confirmed, you are given six months time for the rest of the process of the company. Even after this, you will have to apply for many things. Have to do like GST certification For shops and establishment license, from Provident Fund Organization for opening PF, from Employees' State Insurance Corporation for Employee Scheme Medical Insurance and last but not least, you will get Certification of Companies in Corporation under Companies Act 2013 Have to apply for official registration of the company inside

5) Open bank account

Once your company is registered, then you have to open a bank account in the name of the company. You can open the account in any bank. If you have chosen the proprietorship model for your online business, then GST registration will have to be done only after that. you company You can open an account with

6) Create your eCommerce website

Now you can create your website in two ways, one can be created with the help of a pre-built platform. Or you can also create it with Scratch programming language. The advantage of using pre-built platforms like Word Press and Wix is ​​that you get many readymade templates from which you can create your own website by choosing the template of your choice. If you do not know any programming language or know only HTML then create a scratch website. woo commerce, Magento, Shopify and kart rocket are some of the options with which you can create an e-commerce business. Now you have to choose with whose help you want to create your website. Your entire business depends on your website, so you have to design or get your website done very thoughtfully and well. Before launching the company's website, you should know some things.  You have to take care of 1) First you First of all, you have to decide whether you will self-post your website or hire a professional who will run your site on a daily basis. Secondly, you have to see that whatever is being posted on your website daily contains products and services.  Complete details of product clean given about pictures and offers

7) payment gateways

To make your online business more profitable, you need to set up a payment gateway that supports all popular payment methods like credit card, debit card, net banking and cash transactions. Some popular payment gateways to have are PayPal and Razor. To get payment gateway grand on your online website, you will have to submit some documents like bank account in the same name of the business, PAN card of the business, certificate of incorporation, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Identity Proof, Address Proof, Website Terms of Use, Website Privacy Policy, once all these documents are approved, you can start online payments on your website.

8) Logistics

This is very important for a successful ecommerce business in India Logistics means the entire process of sending an order to a customer. This process also keeps track of the shipped goods until they reach the customer. The customer is also able to track his product, which gives him confidence in that website

9) 3 ways to attract customers

So let us now know how to attract customers to your website. CEO of Walmart has said that you cannot expect that as soon as you open your website, customers will come out there. If you really want to be efficient then you have to get traffic. To create a trophy, you can follow some steps.

  • SEO marketing : the whole world today is using the marketing strategy of search engine optimization i.e. SCO. If you want to attract online customers towards your e-commerce business. If you can attract people, then this will be your success. This is where SEO strategy comes in handy. ACU search engine helps in getting you on the first page.
  • Choose right keyword : According to the report, every minute seven lakh Google searches are done on this, if you come to the truth. If you want, you will have to use targeted keyboard. To bring your online business in search engine, you will have to use different types of keywords. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Auto Suggest, Semrush can help you. Are you using those keywords so that your product comes up in search?
  • Advertisement : Advertisement is another way by which you can get in front of the customers. For this you can use paid ad option on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. Once people click on your ads and come to your website. After that, it is your job to keep them as your prominent customer.
  • Retargeting : Retargeting is a process in which people who visit your site once and leave your site without purchasing anything, a cookie is left on their computer. After that, when these customers visit some other website, ads of your website are shown on their screen through retargeting network. This method is a bit expensive but mostly it gives positive results.
  • Old methods : If you do not have much resources then you can If you can attract customers extensively like online promotion, you can also use old methods, you can do paper advertising, you can ask your customers to refer their friends and family to your Brian Break Comment You are a professional blogger. And you can type with youtubers and ask them to write articles or make videos for your brand. Apart from this, there are many other cheap ways by which you can increase your customers.
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