How to create WhatsApp channel in easy steps

In this article we have told you about the How to create 'WhatsApp, channel in easy steps You will get to know more about technology here.
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Hello friends, my name is Arbaaz and welcome to sioCart, friends, I bring complete articles learning material related to marketing, business and stock market, friends, if you are interested in all, then subscribe my blog.  Today I have brought a great lesson, friends, in today's article I will tell you how to create WhatsApp channel in easy steps.  So friends, stay with us to get the information, if you like it then let us know. So share the article with your friends also Let get started.

So friends, here WhatsApp has launched a new feature like friends, you all know WhatsApp channel, friends in today's article I am going to tell you complete information about how you can create your own channel in WhatsApp and friends. You can do follower game here also, As you all know, earlier you used to create a channel on Telegram, now friends, you used to create a channel on YouTube, but now friends, by creating a channel on WhatsApp also, you can generate a lot of followers.
Like friends, if you look here, you will find many WhatsApp channels. With this type, friends, you can also create a new channel of your own here. I will tell you the complete information on how to create it, because friends, this feature has been given option to all the people. Now friends, everyone can create a channel on WhatsApp here. So I am going to give complete information in this article, so stay tuned till the end of the article.

1) Uninstall your normal WhatsApp
Now friends, first of all let me tell you two important things here. Friends, if you do normal WhatsApp using this type then uninstall it because now friends this option has come on WhatsApp Business, so first of all if you use this type. If you use normal WhatsApp then uninstall it. Friends, first of all you have to go to Play Store, so let's go to Play Store. I will tell you step by step, so stay tuned till the end of the article.

2) Install WhatsApp business
After that, friends, here you have to search by typing WhatsApp business, after that you have to create a WhatsApp business account with the number from your friends, no problem, enter your mobile number, verify it by entering OTP, as simple as you create a WhatsApp account by typing it and then Let me open it here. After opening, the chats of all the people will be visible here. Your entire history will be visible in this type. 

Now friends, first thing to pay attention here is that first of all your chart will be visible. First friends, update option is visible here. Here friends, you used to see status option. Status was written but friends, now it has been updated. Update here. It is written that the status option has been removed but your status will also be visible from here.

3) Open status centre
First of all, to create a channel, here you have to go to the update option. As soon as you go to the update option, the step center page will open. If friends, you want to put a status from here, then you can also put a status, you can also see the status, but friends, below. If an option comes, then there is an option of channel, then below it an option comes, like find channel, if you look here then find channel is written, from here friends, you can search the channel of all the people, by this type you can find the channel of all the people whose channel has been created. You can watch everyone's channel here 

4) click plus icon
To create your channel, you get one option. Just next to the channel option, a plus icon is visible. Click on this icon. As soon as you click on the plus icon, two options will appear here. It goes like the first option is Create Channel and the second is Find Channel. 

5) Click continue button
To create your channel, the first option comes here, you have to click on Create Channel. As soon as you click on Create Channel, the type of terms and condition will be shown, it will be explained here, you can read it in an easy way. You have to click on the Continue button below. Friends, as soon as you click on the Continue button, first of all, here is the profile photo of your channel, just like you normally put your DP in WhatsApp. If you see the option to select from this type, then here is the camera button. Click on then upload your photo from friends gallery here.

6) Click down button
So friends, as soon as you select your people or select the profile photo, it will give you the option to make it less than this type, then you have to adjust it like you adjust the DP, you have to adjust the profile photo of the channel with this type. After that, down button is visible below, you have to click on down buttons.

7) Write the name and description
So here friends, whatever is the banner of the channel, profit profile comes, after that you see the option of channel name, what name do you want to keep for the channel, friends, write the name of your channel, after that friends, write the description details below. An option will be visible, like friends, if you see whatever you want to write about your channel here, then the followers will see it, then go for it, then you must write it, then friends, you can see it here, then an option comes below here.

8) click on Create Channel button,
Friends, then below here comes an option of Create Channel, so even then you have to click on Create Channel button, as soon as you click on the Create Channel button, the channel is created, after that friends, you can also see here that the entire channel has been created and is ready. Like here friends, the description which I have written is visible here, just like friends create a group, it became the same thing, after that friends, if anyone watches this channel publicly, it will be visible here, like look here, if you want to delete it. Delete button is visible below the channel, so you can also delete it from here.

So friends, you can create your channel in WhatsApp with this type. Friends, if you want to share the channel link somewhere then look here, the channel link is visible. So friends, as soon as you click on the channel link button, it is clearly given here. You can copy the link in Sher Status also, you can also share it in WhatsApp Business, you can either copy it here with the direct link, from this side friends can create their own WhatsApp channel, after that friends can also watch here. You can see that your channel has come here, so friends, by sharing its link with your friends, you can bring all your followers to your WhatsApp channel, then with this type you can easily create your channel in WhatsApp. can be

hope friends you liked this article, and you must have learned a lot, if you like the article then share it with your friends,

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Thanks for reading: How to create WhatsApp channel in easy steps, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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