7 best blog niches ideas in 2023 - 24

In this article we have told you about '7 best blog niches ideas in 2023 - 24' and you will get to know more about Digital learnings here.
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Hello friends, my name is Arbaaz and welcome to sioCart, friends, I bring complete articles learning material related to marketing, business and stock market, friends, if you are interested in all, then subscribe my blog. Today I have brought a great lesson, friends, in today's article I will tell you 7 best blog niches ideas in 2023 - 24. So friends, stay with us to get the information, if you like it then let us know. So share the article with your friends also Let get started.

Friends, in today's video, I am going to tell you some such niches, blog niches which are future proof as well as AI proof because many people believe that who will do blogging now because in chatgpt, the answer is straight forward. In bard, the answer comes directly and Google has connected it with its search engine, so all the answers are coming up, no blog is available, so I did complete research and chose some such blog niches. Pick and choose by cherry picking and I will also share examples so that you can get an idea about how content can be created in these niches. Take heart and read the entire article and take advantage of this article. So friends, let's start.

one blog has come out here and one or two samples have come out, so first one. it turned out to be, the domain authority of which is currently one, it is a completely new site, if you check the h of the domain, it is only 117 days old, that means three to four months, if you talk about it, you can see the traffic, although the traffic does not tell accurately. 80%-90% we can assume that we will see traffic here and its traffic is starting to build from june, june, july, august. now look at its traffic of 27000. now this blog is about 4 months old, but if its only work is to win. if the traffic growth continues to increase then you can check what kind of things are posted on the blog for different ones, you will get some idea, then the first niche is done, you will update related to this, you will update about the tools. you will tell us its uses, how we can make our work easier by using it. there are many things, when you research about it, you will get to know more detailed information.

now look in India only 6 to 7 people actively invest in the stock market. And in the coming time, the number will increase because as the use of internet increases, people will get information about finance, similarly there are so many influences through which it is known that one is investing in the stock market. What is this? There are many. There are things like chart trading in stock market, investing, fundamental analysis and many other things about which you can cover in the blog And daily people keep checking share prices, there are many new sites which get traffic worth lakhs by telling share prices. And they post articles related to stock market and if you want more information about stock market blog then you can check their blog, and if we see the traffic in their website then in 2023 their blog got almost 1 lakh visitors.  A traffic of 1.25 lakh monthly views is seen from this website.

News blog


Movie reviews, web series reviews, you can create a blog on these. Now think, if you try to create a direct review then it will not work. Do a little research on movie reviews, what kind of content related to the movie runs on the blog, what kind of things get traffic like.  It comes on the movie collection, it comes on the release date, like if a movie is running in the cinema, when will it be released on OTT, when will it be released on OTT, like just now during reasearch, I found a side, it is not a very old site, but I would like to show you, but that  This is a multiple niche site and the age of the domain is 138 days. Work is being done on it only in 138 days and it can be an expired domain because if its DNA is 44 in 138 days then it can be an expired domain but the content.  To get an idea, let me tell you, Jawan Ott Release Date, people search for such things and even if you see the traffic on this site, the traffic is in lakhs. It depends on the site and what kind of work is being done on the site.  -What is happening here, in the movie niche or in the web series niche, people create this kind of content, you can show your best on this site and how much interest can you have in this subject.  And how is this topic for you?

if we look at the traffic then you can see that the traffic has just started picking up, in August a user base of 2.5 lakhs has come here and if we look at the domain age, the domain is 1 year and 73 days old. And you can also see its site name URL and means 2022 is written in the domain, it is 1 year old and in this site we keep posting news, recruitment, registration, result export, all these things, apart from this, I show it in another side If we talk about the traffic on this site, then the work on this too has been done around August but 7 to 8 lakh traffic was coming on it and they make articles in Hindi. Bringing so much traffic in Hindi is very big. The thing is, if we check the age of the domain, then it is not very old, it has been there for only one year, and what is the benefit to us from this, see, it has been 1 year, the advantage is that if this new site is like this If we can bring traffic by working under , then if we look at its content today, we can guess that we too can defeat it or we too can bring as much traffic as it, this is the way research is done that we can see. Is there anyone already, if he is creating the content, what is his domain authority, like his domain authority is 16 and 16 is not a very good authority, we can defeat it by working for a little time, or we can do something like this. You can create a good blog, from here you can see its content.

Sports fantasy

government scheme

Next let's talk about the government scheme, you must have heard the name of many sites on the scheme like PM Modi Yojana and there are many other sites like one is Bihar, there is a lot of traffic on these too, if you see the traffic on them then It is very good, there is a traffic of a million, look now, last month there has been a traffic of 2.8 million and their domain is a little old, it is about 3 years, but even 3 years is not very old, in the last 3 years there has been a lot of buzz in the channel. You can study by watching this

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Thanks for reading: 7 best blog niches ideas in 2023 - 24, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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