How to make money from stock market

From this article you will know about the stock market, how you can earn money from the 'stock market,
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Hello friends, my name is arbaz and welcome to sioCart, friends, I bring complete articles, learning material related to marketing, business and stock market, friends, if you are interested in all, then subscribe my blog, Today I have brought a great lesson, friends, in today's article I will tell you how to earn money from the stock market, and you will also learn a lot about the stock market. So friends, stay with us to get information, let us know and if you liked. the article then share it with your friends also.

stock market, such a dream world, every person in today's time wants to make money, it is possible that if you have reached this article today, then you have become motivated, you have watched one web series. Have you seen a movie or heard from someone that there is a lot of money in the stock market, but you do not know how to earn money in it, how do you have to start, well today's article is for you I am assuming that you are new, and you are a beginner, you need to know what to do and what not to do in stock market, how to make money here, and how people come here But if you lose money, then you will get to know everything, this is a detailed article, and if you are new, do not forget to subscribe to our site, so that you do not miss any upcoming article.
3 ways to earn money from stock market
Now most of the people know that brother, this is a stock market, the stock market is a market in which we can buy shares, you can buy shares of Reliance, you can buy shares of Tata Motors, you can buy shares of ITC You can buy shares worth Rs, and if you think that these companies will grow then the price of your shares will also increase, from which you earn, so from here we start a thing which we call investment, earning money from it.  See, see there are 3 ways to earn money from the stock market, out of which most of the people like Prime Tarika understand, know, it is called investment, that you invest and if your money grows, you get returns on your money,  So you earn money from stock market.  Yes, new people who do not understand much, invest their money in the stock market in this way and buy shares of companies, but is this the right way, now we will understand it,
1) investing
So suppose someone bought a share worth Rs 100 from a person, and it would become worth Rs 200 after 1 year, and he saved the share from another person, then he earned Rs 100, But if we talk about percentage then take 100% return, this 100% return means doubling the money is a skill in itself, an art, and the log expectation we bring in the stock market is that we will invest our money.

Will double it,But in the example I have just given, I said that suppose a stock doubles in a year, in the true sense a stock does not double in a year, but many do, but it is also expected that this  It is very important to understand how long will I be in, how will it be, so what are your expectations, it is very important, if you want to double the money in a year, then perhaps investment is not for you, now what is that?  Maybe we will understand this for you too, But having expectations beyond the limit causes the biggest harm to people here. If you are thinking that your money will double here overnight, it will double in 21 days or it will double in 1 year, maybe your  This expectation is not right, because it is possible that this expectation of yours may cause harm in future, so you must understand what I want to explain to you,so just now we talked about 3 dates, of which our number 01 We talked about where you invested and the money increased, so this is one way to make money from the stock market,
2) dividend
Now the second way, which many people call it, is the passive way, which many people call passive income, it is dividend, now what is this dividend, it is not just that you just invest the money.  And if you bought a share and the money on that share increased, then you have earned money from one date. The company may also have declared a dividend in the same year, if the company has declared, then there is an additional earning,

for example, suppose there is a company whose share price is Rs 1000, and the company says that I will give dividend , now whatever dividend the company gives, it gives it at face value, And if you are still new in the stock market then you will not understand all this, because many people think that if the dividend is of 1000₹ then the company will give only 1000₹, nothing like this happens, it depends,  On the face value of the company,
then the value may be 5rs and if the company is giving 100% dividend on 5rs, then it may be giving a dividend of Rs 5.If you consider the company to be like this, then 5₹, 10, any such company has declared a dividend, that I will give a dividend of ₹ 10, now if I have told them that I will give a dividend of ₹ 10, then it should be 1 percent of the share price.  But maybe 200% of the face value, if the face value is 5rs, now what is the face value, we will talk about it further, but this is the dividend income, now suppose a person has  The company announced that it will give a dividend of ₹ 10 per share, and if someone has 1000 shares, then we will get an additional ₹ 10000, now this is the dividend income, people like it very much, 
Because many companies give very good dividends, mostly those which are government companies, like ITC, Bharat Petrol, Indian Oil Corporation, there are many such government companies which give very good dividends, now many people think which You should invest in companies that give good dividends, the answer is 'no' because you should not invest in any company just by looking at the dividends, but this is also an income from which you can earn money, from the stock market, that There is dividend income, my job is to make you learn more, that is why I am telling you, rest if you like dividend income then you can invest in them,
3) trading
Now let us come to the third point by which people earn more money and what is this trading, The simple meaning of trading is that till now we had seen around that a man is making money by running a clothes shop He buys shirts from somewhere and brings them for ₹ 200 and sends them back for ₹ 400. So this is also trading, Similarly, there is trading in the stock market also, but it is not just the trading of stocks, there is trading within the stocks too.
Now what does this mean, it means that when we talk about trading in the stock market, then one simple The trade will be as if you understood the example of a bet that someone sold a shirt for ₹ 200, then it is simple cash trading. Consider this cash trading in the stock as if someone bought a share of Reliance and he sold it for ₹ 100 more, So he bought it for the purpose of trading, Now people will say that the same person who had talked about investing, even in investing, he bought for Rs 100 and sold it to others for Rs 110, so this will not be called trading, this will also be called trading, but the trading which happens in the long term, we call it investing a journal has a tenure of more than 1 year If you talk about the duration of less than 1 year, one month, two months, three months, one week, one day, then we call it trading.

Now you must have heard that there is also intraday trade What is the meaning of intraday? If you bought the stock in the same day and sent it in the same day, then first of all you bought the stock, kept it for 10 days, kept it for 20 days, kept it for 1 month, it is up to you. Because after purchasing the stock, you can sell it on delivery, this is simply called cash me deal This is how intraday trading happens, What does intraday mean, Buying in the same day and selling in the same day, So share can be flooded in a day, work can also be done, what is the profit in intraday, understand the profit which is not in cash, we had also talked that brother, a share of 2000 rs has become 2100 rs, this should be a profit of 100 rs for us Gone are we trading in cash, But it can also happen that the stock of 2000 has become that of 1900 But our loss here will be Rs 100. 
But if you are trading intraday then you have the opportunity to make money even in falling shares So where you were buying here, you can buy and sell both in cash in intraday So what you did was you sold first in 2000 and then bought it in 1900 then you will make profit second thing, what is the benefit in intraday? there is benefit of leverage, this means, so what happens here is that you get an average of 5x that if someone has ₹ 100000, you and that person have only ₹ 100000 in cash. one can buy shares, if a share is worth ₹ 2000, then only 50 shares will be available, but what if an average of 5 times is found, then what will happen for ₹ 100000, 
where 50 shares were coming, there will be 250 shares, then if you had bought a share, you would have invested rs 250 sher, where you were getting a profit of ₹ 100 per share, what would have happened to you at 50 sher, understand here if you buy in cash, give 50 sher, then you would have earned only ₹ 5000. well, if you have bought 250 shares in intraday, and even if you have earned ₹ 100 per sale, ₹ 25000, now you see here you had invested your ₹ 100000 and earned 5000 which is 5%, but here your 25% made, that's why many people want to trade intraday because you get leverage and second thing you can sell like a bike, you can also make money from falling shares,
What is falling market
Now you must have heard that if the market is falling then generally what happens is Sensex is doing all the indices There is trading within the index as well There is also trading within the stock Nifty 50 is basically made up of the top 50 companies on the National Stock Exchange. Nifty 50 is a tech index It is also called a benchmark Such a term can be a new man I don't understand, I am telling you, What index trading means is that a list is made consisting of many shares, an index is made of it, by seeing which it is known what is going on inside these shares Let us look at the market going up and down, if it falls then Nifty will fall down People trade in Nifty, banks trade in Nifty, people trade in Sensex, trade in Nifty 50, trade in Nifty Midcap.
Whatever shares are there, all are indexes, they have expiry, they have expiry, till now we had talked about intraday, but now what happens is that someone says that in a day, I do not know whether this share will go up or down But my analysis remains, there are two types of analysis, one is fundamental analysis, one is technical analysis, many people say that we only do fundamental analysis, and many people say that we only do technical analysis. If you want to earn money from stock market then I believe that you should learn both,I understand one of the reasons,
for this is that fundamentally what happens is that we do not look at the price, you look at a chart like this, this is the price chart, this is the chart of Nifty, what we are discussing now is the index of Nifty, these candles. If you see there are green candles, there are red candles, if you look at Prince's analysis, here we can say it in short form that we are looking at price action, we are looking at technicals, we are doing technical analysis,Many people talk about what happens in this way, we do not see the technology, we look at balance sheets to analyse stocks Company's assets have liabilities which are part of fundamental analysis.
Futures and Options
Futures and Options, now you must have heard this F and O a lot, what happens basically here, now apart from intraday, you get an expiry date, so in futures basically there are three expiry, one is the expiry of the same month. Monkey expiry, which we also call current month expiry, second would be our next month expiry, and third would be our far month expiry, okay so these are three types of expiry for our futures, Now when is the expiry, Nifty expiry is on Thursday which is its weekly expiry This weekly expiry is now Nifty also has futures but futures are always monthly so if there is expiry on Thursday then it will be the last Thursday which will be the expiry day of the month But if he has any holiday then it will be Wednesday and it will be a day earlier.
The expiry of Bank Nifty has been shifted from September, currently it is on Thursday when I am writing the article but when you will be seeing this article later then you will see the expiry of Bank Nifty on Wednesday So the expiry of its features will be on the last Wednesday of the month and if there is a holiday on Wednesday then it will be on Tuesday Similarly, the expiry of Nifty is on Tuesday this Major Expiries You Need to Understand.
When does the stock expire? Like if you see the future of Reliance or the future of Tata Motors, then if you talk about the future of the stock, then it expires on the last Thursday of the month. A. What is the benefit of trading in future? What is the benefit of trading in future? Whatever we talked about is intraday, just what happens inside it, you get more time. Firstly, you can buy and sell both, plus you get leverage What is the leverage? If you buy Rs 2 lakh or 3 lakh, depending on the stock, you get the leverage of two times, three times and four times. If you have ₹ 100000 then you can trade with Rs 3 lakh, then profit will be Rs 3 lakh and loss will also be Rs 3 lakh. Because after that whether you will suffer loss or profit, you will get more amount. 
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Thanks for reading: How to make money from stock market, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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