Blogging vs YouTube

In this article we have told you about 'blogging vs YouTube' and you will get to know more about digital learnings here.
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Hello friends, my name is Arbaaz and welcome to sioCart, friends, I bring complete articles learning material related to marketing, business and stock market, friends, if you are interested in all, then subscribe my blog. Today I have brought a great lesson, friends, in today's article I will tell you Blogging vs YouTube. So friends, stay with us to get the information, if you like it then let us know. So share the article with your friends also Let get started.

At the beginning of every year, there is a common question whether I should start blogging or YouTube channel. If you have this question in your mind which I think is definitely true then in this article I will discuss some practical points with you by the end. of this article I try to understand why you should do this and under what conditions you should do it and here I am not going to tell you by looking at any stats that according to these stats people are earning so much according to these stats. Such big users are blogging, no, it does not make any sense, you are going to work at a ground level, then it is important for you to know the basic things which can become a decision for you whether you should do blogging or YouTube,

Blog and YouTube both are popular names that everyone knows about but everyone has different preferences, some like to read blogs, some find watching videos interesting and there are some people who do not like blogs and YouTube Both like to enjoy videos. Both have their own importance, requirements, plus and minus points, so why don't we bring both of them face to face today, that is, let's make a comparison between them, so let's go into today's article between YouTube and Block. We will see and understand the differences and who knows, we may find something similar between these two, if we find any similarity then let's start.

Different between blogging and YouTube

Friends, to know blogging vs YouTube, first of all let us see what is the difference between the two and what is the difference between them.

1) Blog and YouTube
Number one is that a blog is a website through which you can share your articles with the world. This is in return form whereas YouTube is a platform through which you present your views to the world in the form of videos.

2) Bloggers and Youtubers
If you are an introvert and like to share your thoughts by writing, then blogging is the best option for you, whereas if you are an extrovert and enjoy talking openly, then you can explore yourself even more through YouTube videos.

3) Starting requirements
To start a blog, you have to purchase hosting and domain name, but YouTube seems to be a little helpful for its creators because to publish a video on YouTube, you just have to create a free account on your own and use your mobile and came and a free What kind of quality you want, what kind of video editor application is required, it is completely your choice, there is no force in it.

4) Earning
You can earn good income from blogging and if your blog is a super hit then maybe you can earn so much that you could not even imagine but YouTube lags a little behind in this matter. Earning from YouTube is also not less but as much as you earn from YouTube videos. YouTube keeps some percentage of it with itself, so the blog is good on this point.

5) Admin Control
You have complete control over your blog, you can put regular content on it, no one can stop you, yes, you must take the responsibility that you put only the right content, there is no one to miss the guide, but when it comes to YouTube, here You do not have full power because if YouTube finds any of your videos misguiding, it can delete it and can also bankroll you, so you must be responsible for using YouTube.

6) Monetization
In blogging, you get flexible and effective monetization strategy. In this you will get many monetization options like contextual ad, affiliate marketing, sponsored content etc. You also get many possibilities for ad placement in the blog, which one is working effectively on your blog. You can also earn through YouTube apps marketing and sponsored content, but apart from Google Adsense, you cannot use any other contract add network.

7) flexibilities
In blogging, you can easily monetize your popular blog posts. For this, you will only have to edit them and add some calls to actions, whereas in YouTube, you will not get so much flexibility because you cannot replace the video.

8) Technology using
In blogging you have to use many technologies like content marketing and link building, whereas for YouTube you will not need so many technologies, just do SEO well and your content can go viral.

similarity of blog and YouTube
After so many differences, there are some similarities between these two. You will have to put the best content on both the platforms. To get success on both, you will have to maintain consistency. You will have to do complete research for blogging and video, both the areas. There is a lot of competition in YouTube and both are time consuming, although it may take you more time to prepare a YouTube video. Even after seeing many differences and similarities, it is difficult to say who won and who lost among the two platforms, i.e. who has more benefit. Who else has more points because both are strong platforms and you can get success in both the platforms.

How much success you will get will depend to a great extent on your strength, niche and skill, that is why choose any platform only on the basis of benefits. Do not judge at all, to know which platform will be best for you, you will have to know in which form you want to present yourself, blog or video and whatever answer you get will be best for you and then maximum benefit. Instead of keeping both of them face to face, it would be better to take them together, for example, start by making a YouTube video and if you are performing very well in the field of video, then make the content of the video a blog post. Start posting in it, this will give you double benefit and friends, in this way you can use the choose right platform according to your niche based on your interest and choice.And by following the right strategy, quality content and consistency, you can achieve success.

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Thanks for reading: Blogging vs YouTube, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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